Hello everyone,

I am currently working in Haiti in a program fighting against child malnutrition (mostly acute). The NGO received funds for the purchase of books, documents intended for "monitors" (field women tracking the MN + mothers education). Do you have recommendations, ideas for useful materials, references to give me (books in Haitian Creole preferably).

Thanks a lot for your help !

Dear André,

The UNICEF counselling cards for community workers are widely used: https://www.unicef.org/nutrition/images/Counselling_Cards.pdf

I am not sure whether they already exist in Haitian Creole, but you could enquire with UNICEF in country, or use the funds to adapt them.

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


5 years ago

Checking humanitarianresponse.info I see that there is an upcoming nutrition meeting as well as a contact at UNICEF for nutrition: https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/haiti/event/reunion-nutrition-0 This can help you to get recommendations for materials, and to harmonize your work with the work of other organizations. There is also likely research done to inform social behavior change in the country related to nutrition.

Suzanne Fuhrman


5 years ago

Hello there - have you seen this UNICEF Guidance on including children with disability in nutrition programmes? http://training.unicef.org/disability/emergencies/downloads/UNICEF_Nutrition_English.pdf - I know it is emergency focused but a lot of useful information as I see
Also in the Humanitairan Inclusion Standards http://www.helpage.org/what-we-do/emergencies/adcap-age-and-disability-capacity-building-programme/ - there is a chapter on pages 165 - that may have some tips related to inclusion of older people and people with disability - nothing in Creole I am afraid ...

Diana Tilly


5 years ago
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