Dear Colleagues,
I am back after a long period of time, I missed this forum.
Going to the point. During the last few weeks, I have held several conversations about the same topic. Colleagues in India and contacts in Niger and South Sudan are highlighting the fact that infant malnutrition is becoming a feature in their countries and lack a clear explanation to it. India currently shows 37% GAM among infants though mortality is very low. What makes me wonder is that it became a recurrent topic of my last couple of weeks, and for many of us, this is something new and somehow puzzling.
I have very specific questions:
1. Is this becoming a feature in more countries? Is this a change from the previous years or just that this data is being compiled recently?
2. Is there any study or article analysing this topic of the causes of AM among infants that you are aware of?

I am going to reach out to other sources, but ENN is one of my preferred sources of insight from colleagues all over the world.

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