Hello. Please can anyone point me in the right direction for current thinking/evidence for use of MUAC in adults for (i) screening adults with moderate or severe under-nutrition, (ii) association of MUAC with adverse outcomes, and (iii) for monitoring responses to treatment.
I am particularly interested in adults with TB. I see TB patents admitted with very low MUAC and BMI (11.0!) (in those in whom it is possible to asses)
I have read the RNIS report by Collins, Duffield and Myatt from 2000, which was very illuminating - but am trying to find more recent info. Thanks very much.

The MUAC thresholds recommended in the Collins, Duffield and Myatt RNIS report (2000) (i.e. 160 mm and 185 mm) were developed in response to the 1992 Somali famine using data from an adult therapeutic feeding centre (see here and
here for some background. Using clinical data can be problematic as it is subject to all sorts of selection biases. The 160 mm and 185 mm thresholds now appear to be too low. Most agencies have moved to using 185 mm and 210 mm in adults with the MAM threshold raised to 230 mm in pregnant and lactating women.Here is a FANTA-III review.

I hope this is of some help.



6 years ago

Thank you Mark. Hopefully we will be able to add to the evidence in this area.



6 years ago

Let me known if I can help in any way.



6 years ago
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