If I want to design new health and nutrition project in the humanitarian sector, and want to target 100,000 BEN, how can I calculate the percentage of PLWs, U5 children, men and women, a detailed explanation will be appreciated.
thanks in advance.

In order to target 100,000 BEN, how can you calculate the percentage of PLWs, U5 children?
1. To calculate <5 Beneficiaries 100.000*16.43%=16430
2. To estimate PLW beneficiaries a given 100.000 population 100,000*3.47% =3470 are PLW
To plan boys and girls of under-five years of age please follow your baseline survey or any bench marks of the project would be help full.

Kemal J. Tunne


6 years ago

Hi, Anonymous,

There was a really good thread about it on ENN already in 2013 that you can find here !
The Global Nutrition Cluster also has a useful calculation tool.

Hope this helps,



6 years ago

It may not quite as simple as that as age distributions, fertility, and prevalence changes from place to place and over time.

The CMAM forum produced two FAQs that you may find useful. You can get them
here and here.

These are from more innocent days. We imagined that "K" was fixed. later work shows it varies with time and place and is likely larger than was thought.

I hope this is of some help.

Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


6 years ago

Alexandra's links should have been:

EEN thread


Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


6 years ago

Hi Anonymous 26359,
We need the calculations to estimate our beneficiaries and indicators in the log-frames. And some constants are fixed based on your country. For example, total CU5 may be it is 18.4% from the total population in my country and it may be less or more in your country. And same as with PLW, CU2, Households..etc. Usually we are using an excel sheet contains all the variations necessary for indicators and beneficiaries calculation. I am very happy to send you the file to your email

Tammam Ali Mohammed Ahmed


6 years ago

To calculate your target group from the given population it is good to use national conversion factors which are published by the health minister of your country.
For example CF for under 5 year children in Ethiopia is 16.5%,for PLW 3% etc. It is different also in refugee setting and you can find it from UNCHR near to your refugee camp.

Micheal Abebe


6 years ago

The Standard Varies From Country to Country. Its Important to look at the specific Country standards & Related Surveys.



5 years ago
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