Does anybody have experience in how to best assess nutrition knowledge in adolescents (15-19y) in LMIC?
thanks for any information you may have!

Hi Ursla,

In Kenya we are carrying out an adolescent nutrition demonstration project. We have very recently assessed nutrition knowledge through KAP surveys based on our area of interest. You would need to have done a KAP at the beginning in order to compare and assess outcomes.



6 years ago

Hi Ursula - yes, KAP surveys are what's usually used to assess knowledge. FAO has a good guide, which can be a starting point for general questions at least: But it all depends on context, and the purpose of the assessment so it would help to get some more details. Good luck! Best, Helen

Helen Moestue
Technical Expert


6 years ago

Hi Ursula, I am not aware of a globally used guide or survey model to assess nutrition knowledge among adolescents. I agree with Helen that the FAO manual, "Guidelines for assessing nutrition-related Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices" is a good starting place for developing the questions specific to your project. Best, Alison

Alison Tumilowicz
Technical Expert


6 years ago
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