Dear Friends,

Could you please share any Training Need Assessment (TNA) Tool for the field level health functionaries on Nutrition in Emergency context if available?

Dear friend
base on your need and security situation you can have rapid screening with MUAC Tape and rapid coverage assessment using rapid method ( SQUEAC methodology for example ).
if you have time you can have rapid SMART survey( prevalence of SAM)
i am not sure we have a standard tool ? but i am sure you need to take in account ( time , security and capacity of reponse to need )

i hope this help



6 years ago

You can get the Rapid smart methodology here: But I'll be interested on my side to know the methodology for quick SQUEACs, Franck if you have a link? For the rest Anonymus, MSF have a lot of toolkit for assessement in emergency you could probably find what you want there to built your TNA. best

Chantal Autotte Bouchard


6 years ago

The objective in Emergency is saving lives.Any kind of Emergency calls for rapid response. And to launch a response- there has to a rapid assessment.
MUAC screening of children under five using height as a proxy (110mm) gives you a guesstimate of the situation to launch a response. This can be done in a centrallocation or house to house.
SAM prevalence can be determined by MUAC and accordingly, CMAM programme can be set up.
SMART/SQUEAC are possible- provide you have skilled people and equipment and supplies for SMART -(Weight/Height board etc).Good luck.

Rita Bhatia
Technical Expert


6 years ago

Hi Dears - I don't think the question is about the actual needs . I think it is about training needs assessment tool .So for me to do specific training to specific group eg for health workers , we can do a very quick assessment which doesn't require any specific tool. So for example if it is training of SAM or MAM management we can look at how health workers are managing cases, if they know the national or global standards , if the are technically correct ....those are examples to base our TNA with different methodology (key informant interview , direct observations, review cards and registration books...)

Hope this will help a bit



6 years ago

Please, I am going to study master of pH program
Help me the formula is used for under five population and pregnant women



6 years ago

Dear friends
Could you please help me, which formula is used for calculating
24months to 59months children in population.



6 years ago

Dear friends
Could you please help me, which formula is used for calculating
24months to 59months children in population.



6 years ago

Dear friends
Could you please help me, which formula is used for calculating
24months to 59months children in population.



6 years ago

Dear All,

Thank you all for your responses.

Actually, as a part of an emergency project, a TNA tool for assessing training need of health functionaries to be done. After piloting the TNA for assessing training need, two training modules have to be developed. One module for the health officials and another for field level health and nutrition workers.

I would be grateful if anyone can also share any draft sample of modules for health and nutrition professional on Emergency Nutrition context considering Sphere Standards.



6 years ago

UNICEF has developed a Training Needs Analysis tool for the public health supply chain management workforce, which might be a useful reference.

The TNA Toolkit offers a structured and sustainable approach to training through detailed skills mapping, analysis and planning that is country driven. The purpose of this initiative is to enhance productivity of individuals by enabling development of their competencies in line with organizational objectives.

For the Nutrition in Emergencies context, you would need to adapt the job profiles and competencies, but the overall approach and framework should be relevant.

You can download the modules here:

Teresa Ha


6 years ago

UNICEF has developed a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) toolkit for the public health supply chain workforce that might be useful.

The TNA Toolkit offers a structured approach to training through detailed skills mapping, analysis and planning that is country driven. The purpose of this initiative is to enhance productivity of individuals by enabling development of their competencies in line with organizational objectives.

In the nutrition in emergencies context, you would likely need to adapt the job profiles and competencies for your situation. Otherwise, the overall approach and framework should still be applicable.

You can download the toolkit modules here:

Teresa Ha


6 years ago
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