Hello,which organisations implement CMAM programs in Kenya and how can we partner together in Kisumu County?
Whoever has CMAM program content to share for knowledge purposes ?

Hello Winnie.

My name is Naman Jain and I am working in the field of CMAM, RUTF, RUSF etc. in India from last so many years. Have gone through your inquiry.

I think you should contact World Vision International https://www.wvi.org/kenya
This organisation works in the field of malnutrition around the globe.

Also, Save The Children , Kenya.

Thank you,
+91 8745815121

Naman Jain


6 years ago

You could also contact the nutrition technical forum chaired by Ministry of health and UNICEF. In western Kenya, check with walter reed Projec kisumu and KENYA COALITION FOR ACTION IN NUTRITION (KCAD) the professional body for dietitians and nutritionist in Kenya



6 years ago

Hello Naaman,do you have any reference materials for CMAM

Winnie Alando


6 years ago

Dear Winnie,

Kenya has adopted the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition(IMAM) approach as opposed to CMAM along with national IMAM guidelines which are being revised and soon to be released. IMAM's approach is government-led management with protocol that is embedded within the MoH systems as routine treatment for all children under five. The focal person to reach would be the County Nutrition Coordinator at the MoH offices in the county you are enquiring for. They could guide you to the partner agencies that support this work.



6 years ago
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