Hello all,

I'm hoping someone will be able to recommend a reference or two which supports the assertion that, due to challenges of safe and adequate complementary feeding, acute malnutrition is typically more common among children 6-23 months old (and generally within that, 6-17 months??), than 24-59 months old.

I would also be interested in any references that provide a narrative review of acute malnutrition prevalence by age groups 0-5 months, 6-11 months, 12-23 months, 24-35 months, 36-47 months and 48-59 months. I have downloaded the UNICEF 2018 expanded global database which lists acute malnutrition prevalence rates by country but don't have much time to extract and analyse at the moment.

I'm interested in global or regional analyses rather than national/sub national/local.

Thanks a lot to anyone who can think of any relevant references off the top of their heads!


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