Are there any indicators or guidelines for children over 2 years old to measure feeding practices and diet quality (like IYCF for U2 pop)? thanks in advance.

best regards,

Hi Nick.

We used IYCF guideline to measure child feeding practices. See the Reference below.

Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere Inc. (CARE). Infant and
young child feeding practices - collecting and using data: a step-by-step
guide. 2010.

We had one publication which might be of interest. Below is the link

Hope it helps.

Debjani Barman


6 years ago

I have used a variant of the ICFI is a couple of applications in the DRC. The scoring system used was:


Age-group (months) ------------------------------------------- 6 - 8 9 - 12 13 - 35 36+ ------- --------- --------- --------- Breastfed Yes +2 Yes +2 Yes +1 Yes +0 ------- --------- --------- --------- Food groups == 1 +1 1 or 2 +1 2 or 3 +1 3 or 4 +2 >= 2 +2 >= 2 +2 >=4 +2 >= 5 +3 ------- --------- --------- --------- Meals == 1 +1 1 or 2 +1 ==2 +1 == 2 +1 >= 2 +2 >=3 +2 ==3 +2 == 3 +2 >=4 +3 >= 4 +3 ------- --------- --------- ---------


The key ideas and approach to analysis are shown here.

I hope this is of some use.

Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


6 years ago
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