What are your experience of designing a KAP survey using the "Infant and young child feeding practices. Collecting and Using Data: A Step-by-Step Guide. Care USA, Jan 2010".

I have not used that guideline. Is it based on the 2008 and 2010 WHO guidelines?

I do not much use those indicators for a number of reasons which I have written about here. I prefer to use an adaptation of the WHO dataset with a hierarchical indicator set (also here).

These sort of indicators are (mostly) based on a 24 hour dietary / feeding recall. I think of these as behavioural indicators. I do not think of surveys in which I have used these indicators as "KAP surveys". Perhaps I am wrong.

I tend to reserve "KAP" to surveys that investigate knowledge and attitudes and beliefs and behaviours (KAP is sometimes KAB). I think you can only get so far with a simple survey. The bulk of my experience of KAB / KAP surveys has been in ophthalmic epidemiology (mostly investigating barriers to cataract surgery) and I found them lacking. It may be that they work better for emergency nutrition applications. I doubt it but I may be wrong. "Once bitten, twice shy" ... and I have been bitten by these types of survey.

This may be a bit off the point, I hope it is of some use.

Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


6 years ago

Thank you Mark for your reply. The Care tools are based on the two WHO (Part 1 and Part 2) documents. The Step-by-Step Guide provides additional instruction to help CARE staff adapt the WHO operational guidance for use with smaller-scale surveys where data are obtained from mothers or primary caregivers of living children 0-23 months of age. The Guide provides assistance with the selection of indicators for a small-scale survey, choice of sampling strategy, entering and cleaning IYCF data, and analyzing the data and reporting the results.

thank you so much for the links and the additional information. Appreciated.

Everlyn Matiri


6 years ago
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