Dear All
I am a district nutritionist and lately I have been passionate about research
My district was declared as an emergency district due to the high rates of malnutrition hence there has been many activities running. Any ideas on what I can specifically research or focus on with regards to IMAM, integrated nutrition and WASH program, care group approach?

Thank you for help

Hi Annabel,
Amongst the areas you can research on are; 1. To determine which age group is mostly affected and the possible causes and how that can be resolved. 2. To establish the mortality rate; how long they stay in hospital considering the treatment being given. 3. To establish where most of the cases are coming from and follow up on the water and sanitation in that area. 4. To determine what type of malnutrition is most present I.e. kwash or marasmus or marasmic-kwash.
Those are my thoughts.



7 years ago

Hi Annabel,
Amongst the areas you can research on are; 1. To determine which age group is mostly affected and the possible causes and how that can be resolved. 2. To establish the mortality rate; how long they stay in hospital considering the treatment being given. 3. To establish where most of the cases are coming from and follow up on the water and sanitation in that area. 4. To determine what type of malnutrition is most present I.e. kwash or marasmus or marasmic-kwash.
Those are my thoughts.



7 years ago
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