Dear All,
We are in the process of developing an access data base for our health and nutrition interventions. And in the point of (Z-score), Weight/height or length standard deviation, It is right now entered manually( I.e. < -3 or =-3...etc) While I want it to be calculated automatic as in ENA soft ware. This could be an IT discussion, I am not sure. But if you have the idea please share with me.

This is not a difficult thing to do. The reference datastets, methods, and scripts / macros for a number of statistical systems are freely available from the WHO website. I have R scripts for this that I can share (EN-NET can put you in touch). I think that translation to Access should, once you have imorted the reference data into a database table should be relatively simple ... It is a table lookup and some arithmetic. Get in touch if you need help.

I'd guess that Access code will be useful to others.

I hope this is of some use.

Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


6 years ago
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