How can this training be extended to other areas of Mali where the real need exists?
Are the northern regions of Mali not more in need than the circle of Dioïla?

Dear Hamadoun Almahadi HAIDARA,
Thank you for your question. It is true that the Northern regions are more in need of training than the circle of Dioila. However, what we explain in this article is that the training facility is based in Dioila's URENI, but the trainees actually come from all regions in Mali, including Taoudenit, Gao, Timbuktu, Kidal, etc. The Northern regions are included and benefit from this training program. They were even priority regions during the first training sessions, because, like yourself, we estimated that they were more in need of this training than other southern regions around Bamako, for instance. However as I said, all regions in Mali are included in the training today.

Sarah Monier


7 years ago

Mr Haidara,
Thank you for your interest in this publication and the initiative URENI School of Dioïla. As you mentioned, the URENI training school in management of severe acute malnutrition is in Dioïla. However, this center for the management of severe acute malnutrition through hospitalization, which has also been retained to welcome trainees on the management of this condition, is open to all health workers in Mali. Several doctors and nurses from hospitals from various health centers in the country have already taken advantage of this. Participants are selected in consultation with the local health authorities who have the responsibility for the centers and health staff. For more information, I suggest that you contact the health authorities in your region and / or the representatives of ALIMA NGO who have set up this initiative.

Ambarka Youssoufane


7 years ago

Mr Haidara I leave you my email to better explore this initiative:

Mohamed MAIGA


7 years ago
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