Geriatric nutrition is also important for our society. It's included different age groups in old age and after the retirement or their needs of Nutrition... And their social, dietary patterns, psychological, family problems. There are many old age homes but there is no proper nutritional food for the geriatric people. I have visit many old age homes and directly talk with the old age people, they have more problem and they not got proper foods as the family and social problem. It is the one big problem in nepal. There is not any organization working for the old age people..

HelpAge International work in this field. They have developed (with VALID and Brixton Health) needs assessment tools (RAM-OP) to bring these matters to donor attention and have nutrition and other programs addressing the needs of older people.

Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


7 years ago

HelpAge International is very interested in Geriatric nutrition and with our partner Valid International and Brixton Heath we have developed, tested low-cost, robust rapid assessment Method for Older for older people called RAM-OP. You can access it though our website
The methodology can be used both for humanitarian intervention as well as for development projects.
We are currently using RAM-OP methodology in Ethiopia.

Juma Khudonazarov


7 years ago

Thank you Dr. Juma for the information given. I would also like to mention that apart from doing assessments HelpAge does implement nutrition programs using CMAM approach. As mentioned by Dr. Juma assessment using RAM OP is going on in Ethiopia and report will be shared in September. For more technical information I can also be contacted through

Kiidst Negash


7 years ago
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