Dear colleagues
If I am not mistaken CRED used to have a database with all/many SMART surveys. Does anyone know if there is still such a repository of SMART surveys there or elsewhere?
Years ago we had a repository of nutrition surveys managed by WHO (SCN times...). And now in 2017? Thanks so much for your help.

Dear Mija,
You can contact me on so I can provide you with some info on this.

Danka Pantchova


7 years ago

Dear Mija,
You an get in touch with me at

Danka Pantchova


7 years ago

Dear Danka,

Thanks for your fast reply to Mija. There may be others who are interested in this so please can you advise what database you have access to and how other interested people might access it?

Many thanks,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


7 years ago

I have maintained a database for several years. It has 2,426 surveys from 51 countries with 1,796,991 with surveys data between 1992 and 2015.All are in a standard format.

Parts of this database have been used fro a variety of purposes. I do not have permission to share all of the datasets. What do you need the database for? It is "found" data and that does limit what can be done.

I think that ENN might be the organisation to keep the database and keep adding to it.

Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


7 years ago

At ACF-France, we have nutrition survey repository of about 1800 surveys from 31 countries constantly updated. If you are interested about the conditions to get access to it, please get in touch with me. We are dealing on a case by case principle.

Danka Pantchova


7 years ago

Thanks to Mark, Danka and Tamsin and colleagues.
Such a repository would be helpful for Information Management / mapping purposes and trends. At least, that is my specific interest, therefore it needs to be updated with always the most recent surveys in it. I am looking for SMART survey data that can be used for mapping on a lower than national level (geographical boundaries such as districts, woredas, counties, etc). I am sure that such a repository would also have other significant purposes. How could be make a plea that this is re-installed, after CRED stopped for, I assume, funding reasons...? And who and where should be the guardian/home?
Thanks, Mija

Mija Ververs


7 years ago
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