We are preparing a short article on famine and public health in South Sudan for the South Sudan medical journal. Does anyone have information on the effects of famine on the elderly?

Hi Ann,

I'm a masters student at LSHTM, we took this exact topic for a nutrition programme planning module a few weeks ago. Delighted to see it's hit the agenda!

We had a hard time finding publically available data, the only organisation that seem to be doing work specifically on older people are Help Age, based in Juba. They have some good info on their website and we found a report surveying older people that I can send to you (I can't seem to find the online version again now, but it's both qualitative and quantitave in nature).
In terms of IDPs and refugees, from the data we could find, older people make up a very small percent of those in camps.

I can share a copy of our presentation with you if you wish, you might be able to pull out some references to help you with your investigations.





7 years ago

Ciara – many thanks. Could you send me the report from Help Age (the website is useful but I also cannot see this report)? And I’d be very interested to see a copy of your presentation too. We don’t have much space to cover old people in our article but we feel that they are a vulnerable group who are often forgotten. Please email me at admin@southernsudanmedicaljournal.com

Ann Burgess


7 years ago

Dear Ciara,

I will also love to have a copy of the report and your presentation.


Adamu Abubakar Yerima


7 years ago

Dear Ciara, I too would like to have the report and / or the presentation on this sensitive subject.
The elderly, already affected by the various physical and physiological changes they experience, are exposed or more vulnerable to undernutrition. Thank you.

Mbazoa Sabine Emmanuelle


7 years ago

Dear Ciara,

Many thanks for sharing the information above. If you would like to send a copy of the report and presentation to us at en-net, post@en-net.org then others who are interested can contact us directly to obtain a copy.

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


7 years ago

Hi all,

You should all have a copy of each in your inboxes now, if anything is unclear, don't hesitate to drop me an email.




7 years ago

Dear Ciara,
i have acknowledge receipt from your mail and documents.
Best regards

Mbazoa Sabine Emmanuelle


7 years ago
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