From ENN's media hub:

Thank you Youssouf Ambarka for this article. But in your post you have not really developed or at least you have obscured the involvement of a strategic partner who has put its experience of 32 years presence in Senegal at the service of the fight against malnutrition in the regions of Kédougou And Kolda. This is World Vision Senegal, which was really involved in this project from the beginning ... I say this because I made a short visit to this structure and I could see the quality of the innovative approach by integrating health interventions, food security and institutional strengthening that it had proposed for PINKK ..... With this partner it is certain that the results will be achieved .... They will have to rely more on them than on governmental structures, of which you have described at length their structuring and functioning which, moreover, constitutes their handicap in responding to the challenges of nutrition in these regions.

Thank you very much for your comment. It is great to get additional perspectives and reactions in response to this blog post which covers my experience of the multi-sector nutrition coordination at the decentralized level and implementation of the PINKK project in Kolda, Senegal.
In this post, we highlighted the role of the Government and the mechanisms put in place for governance and coordination of nutrition at the regional, district and community levels. From the perspective of the KM project we are working on to support the SUN Movement we are interested in describing scale up of government structures in order to have a comprehensive and long-term view about what will sustain long term nutrition improvement. As ENN, over the years, we have invested less effort in documenting government structures and mechanisms, and we are keen to do so to ensure that we are producing case examples that are relevant to other countries wishing to initiate similar strategies to scale up nutrition. It should also be noted that there has not been a lot of documentation of governance mechanisms put in place by the government, notably since Senegal join the SUN movement.
As mentioned in the post, several partners are participating in the implementation of the PINKK project, who play a vital supporting role to government for many years. We would be very open to having more details from your own perspective on the role played by World Vision Senegal. If you wish to share learning or perspectives from WV we would be happy to hear from you on this forum or through one of our other channels.

Ambarka Youssoufane


7 years ago

From Sambou Djiby:

World vision Senegal is responsible for the implementation of PINKK (Integrated Nutrition Project in the Kedougou and Kolda Regions), which aims to improve the nutritional security of populations, especially among young children and women.
The choice of World Vision Senegal, which has a long experience in the implementation of health, nutrition and food safety projects, is amply justified. "With more than 30 years of experience, World Vision Senegal already intervenes in the intervention areas of Project, and in other areas of Senegal to improve the nutrition of children, families and communities. "
The project also plans to reach more than 50,000 pregnant and nursing mothers and approximately 115,000 children under five years of age, including 60,000 aged 0-23 months. This layer of the population already constitutes the natural targets of world vision in its zones of intervention in Senegal.

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


7 years ago
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