Hello ALL,

Please help me on this issue.

A WHO document has the following recommendations on nutrient intakes for PLWHA.

On macronutrients:

According to the document,

1. Energy intakes for adult HIV infected individuals are to be increased by 10% in asymptomatic conditions and from 20% to 30% during and symptomatic or opportunistic infection conditions in order to maintain weight.
I quote:
2. “Data are insufficient to support an increase in protein requirements due to HIV infection.
3. There is no evidence that fat requirements are different because of HIV infection.”

On micronutrients:

The document stated and I quote;
1. “To ensure micronutrient intakes at RDA levels, HIV-infected adults and children are encouraged to consume healthy diets.
2. Nevertheless, dietary intake of micronutrients at RDA levels may not be sufficient to correct nutritional deficiencies in HIV-infected individuals.
3. there is evidence that some micronutrient supplements, e.g. vitamin A, zinc and iron, can produce adverse outcomes in HIV-infected populations.”

Now my questions:

1. Are the above recommendations still in use or are there new ones? If there are please let me have access to these documents.
2. Are there specific stated values and ranges of RDAs for all nutrients for PLWHA just as it exists for the general population?
3. Is there any recent or ongoing research that seeks to access the dietary intake of adult PLWHA?
Counting on your kind support.
Thank you.

Nutrient requirements for people living with HIV/AIDS: report of a technical consultation, World Health Organization, Geneva, 13-15 May 2003.

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