Dear Colleagues

Would anyone have lessons learned in IYCF-E programming during the Horn of Africa Crisis 2011 to share? We would like to use these to better inform our response in the region and would be most grateful for any helpful information.

Thanks in advance!

I would be very interested in this as well. History is repeating itself and it would be great to hear from the veterans of 2011 and the documented learning. Posting so that I can follow this conversation. Thank you.

Ric Hamic


7 years ago

Dear Christine
I've had a quick look at what we featured in Field Exchange on this. Not a lot specific to IYCF-E in Somalia during the 2011 response but some content that may be informative:

Challenges and actions on maternal and infant and child nutrition in Kenyan refugee camps, responding to the influx of Somali refugees in 2011, are described in a Field Exchange article here..

A report by Oxfam on lessons from 2011 (Dangerous Delay) is not specific to IYCF-E but but may have some broader relevant lessons.

An interesting and relevant study on the impact of livestock support on animal milk supply and child nutrition in Ethiopia, conducted amongst the Somali population in Ethiopia, gives good insights into the potential consequences of livestock health on child nutrition.

Best regards


Marie McGrath


7 years ago
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