Hi All,

The need to bridge the humanitarian and development worlds is increasingly acknowledged and advocated for, both in university lectures, journal articles, larger agency meetings and conferences, etc.

This bridge is often discussed in the context of conflict and resilience. This is indeed very important, and a field where a lot is to be explored and learned. This bridge should address the way we think of aid and development, our conceptual frameworks, funding and institutional mandates, program design and evaluation.

I am interested to learn which universities or research organizations are conducting such research, or are thinking about this in terms of nutrition and the larger socio-determinants of nutrition. I have experience working in both the humanitarian aid and development field, both from the donor side and the "receiver" side. I am very interested in reading more on the theory out there on how we can bridge these worlds, and learn about any research that is trying to do this, both in terms of policy and experimental research. I am not sure if this even exists, at least from the experimental research side. How does one use research to inform policy when our policies may not be well-suited for the complex systems we live in?

I am aware of the literature on agriculture and resilience, in the context of climate change and nutrition, etc. But what about non-agriculture communities, like urban slums, where nutrition is so heavily affected by poverty and poor sanitation, and lack of employment/opportunity? Have any studies been done to look at the different impacts of quick response aid compared to longer term development investment?

Thanks very much.

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