I am doing a research on the above in Zambia (Lusaka province, in particular) and would like to hear views from the group; what advice can you give on the approach of this research?

The only anthropometric indices that are calculated for children aged 10y and above are height-for-age (anthropometric indicator = stunted if <-2) and BMI-for-age (indicators = thin if <-2; overweight if >1 or obese if >2). BMI alone is not applied to children. WHO AnthroPlus software can be used to calculate these indices.

Andrew Hall


7 years ago

Definitely use the WHO Growth Reference Charts age 5-19 years.. How do you plan to access the children? The local schools in that area maybe best as it will be convenient to go in, setup your stadiometer and scales and take your anthropometric measurements. You will definitely need to get your approvals from the relevant governing bodies, including parental consent..perhaps a note to the parents where they tick off a box and return it to you might be useful.

Denesia Venus


7 years ago

Definitely use the WHO Growth Reference Charts age 5-19 years.. How do you plan to access the children? The local schools in that area maybe best as it will be convenient to go in, setup your stadiometer and scales and take your anthropometric measurements. You will definitely need to get your approvals from the relevant governing bodies, including parental consent..perhaps a note to the parents where they tick off a box and return it to you might be useful.

Denesia Venus


7 years ago

1. First I would like to suggest to have proper desk review of various research studies which has been already conducted by Public Health professionals.
2.I would suggest to target children from 6 to 11 years.
3. A Cross sectional study can be carried on based on the representative sample size depending the prevalence of the targeted area.
4. samples can be taken from of those restaurants and hotels where children used to take fast food. (like MacDonald's, KFCs)

humaira Shaikh


7 years ago
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