Dear colleagues (who are working / have worked on the Syria Response)

We are developing an IYCF-E KAP Survey for the Nutrition Cluster in Turkey (GZT), to be used as a baseline for the IYCF-E Operational Strategy for the Syria Response 2017 - 2020 and carried out by multiple nutrition cluster partners.

We would like the questionnaire to be as contextualised as possible and to address areas we are still seeking clarity about which would really inform programming and the SBC strategy that is due to be developed.

As such, we are seeking inputs on what you would consider to be priority topics to cover. Are there any practices we are lacking information on, any beliefs / attitudes that need to be better understood etc.?

Many thanks in advance!

Hi Isabelle, I have a document of myths and misconceptions from Syria, what is your email address?

Note from the moderator: you can send the document via if you prefer not to post your email address on the forum.

Emma Littledike


7 years ago

Great, thank you Emma! Please send to

Isabelle Modigell


7 years ago

If possible, please share with me the document (email:
Am working on my thesis (targeting Syrian refugees in Lebanon- Main discipline: Nutrition) and interested in checking such document.
Thank you in advance.



7 years ago

Emma, would it be possible to have a copy of that document as well? We are putting together a KAP for traditional midwives in KRI and it would be useful to compare. Thank you!


Brooke Bauer


7 years ago
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