As per studies conducted in different region stunting is reversible before the age of 24th month of child and we can reduce by promoting IYCF and by providing Multi micro nutrient but what is about the child who is at the age of 9th month and his height is not according standards. Is there any proven intervention to prevent child from stunting before the age of 24th month.

Literature says there is need to generate more evidence on this area. How ever there are some studies that suggest ready to use supplementary food with good content of zinc has effect to improving the growth of stunted child before the age of 24 months. But it needs very cautious treatment as these Children are more vulnerable to get obese if more than required calories are given.



8 years ago

Dear Amara Khan,

Thank you for your response to this question. Please could you share with us some of the references from the literature that you mention? This would be very helpful for people to find more information.

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


8 years ago

Dear Dr. Nasir,

There are several studies that focus on stunting in early life and ways to prevent it. A number of documents can be found in the online library of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) --> keywork nutrition.
To name two: The sanitation hygiene infant nutrition efficacy (SHINE) trial (2016) and the Risk Factors for Childhood Stunting in 137 Developing Countries: A Comparative Risk Assessment Analysis at Global, Regional, and Country Levels (2015).

Kind regards,



7 years ago

There are many more studies that show multiple interventions -- over a period of more than 30 years -- have virtually no effect on stunting. I have read more than 2000 studies, and it is extremely difficult to find any evidence for more than a marginal positive impact on stunting prevalence. Partial positive indicators, yes, but significant positive outcomes, no. Sorry for the bad news. I'll post more here when my review is complete.



7 years ago
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