I would like to know what are the hazards to give F-100 for feeding at home. Is it strictly prohibited or there are some certain situation where it can be given at home.

Would appreciate a quick response.

Consider using RUTF (which is designed to provide the same nutritive value as F100) if you are managing the child is at home as per the CMAM protocol in your country or the WHO protocol. There are many problems with using F-100 at home

1. It is like milk- can be distributed and shared easily with other children who do not need it and even adults. This is highly avoidable.
2. Water with which it is constituted needs to be clean - can this be ensured?

I would not like to list further - F-100 is best avoided. If the child has been stabilised and infections have been taken care of it is best that the child is given RUTF as per a standard protocol.


Dr Charulatha Banerjee


7 years ago

Dear Dr. Banerjee
Thank you for your prompt response. Can I just have bit more in the point "if the child or adult who are not in need of such therapeutic treatment" take it what are the physical consequences can be happened?
Is there any written document on this, please.




7 years ago
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