
I am looking for the result of any research that shows the reasons for higher prevalence of under-nutrition in boys than girls.
I know the reasons could be vary in each area, but I only want to see a research result in any area, irrespective of the context contributing factors.

Nawid/ Afghanistan

Hi Nawid, Salam Aleykum
this is dr Giorgio from INTERSOS. We are finding this kind of higher prevalence both SAM as MAM in boys in our Kandahar Assessment. Quite relevant! This is from SMART (first data, raw, GAM: mean±SD of WHZ (n=994) : -0.57±1.18
All (1003): (121) 12.1% ( 8.7-16.4 95% CI)
Boys (495): ( 72) 14.5% (10.2-20.3 95% CI)
Girls (508): ( 49) 9.6% ( 6.7-13.8 95% CI)
Do you have similar results? And consider that the numbers from the clinics are generally reverse: more girls than boys.



8 years ago

Dear Nawid,
Professor Aileen Robertson, Professor Alexandr Parlesak and I found higher prevalence of stunting among boys than girls in an urban community in Kathmandu valley, Nepal.

Total number of boys participated in the study: 176, total number of girls participated in the study: 113

Number of boys moderately stunted: 39, number of girls moderately stunted: 11
The number of boys moderately stunted were significantly higher than girls (p<0.001).

The number of boys severely stunted: 13, the number of girls severely stunted: 11,
There was no statistical difference (p=0.526) in number of boys and girls severely stunted.

Hope it's helpful.

Kind regards,
Mahesh Sarki



8 years ago
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