I have just noted that the BayesSqueac Calculator (Version 3.01) allows a maximum denominator of 256; however, I have a scenario where I want to calculate the "Single Coverage" but by denominator is 273 and the numerator is 118. How do I go about this? Will appreciate the feedback

You have at least two options ...

BayesSQUEAC is open source software. This means that the source code is available for you to modify. You will want to alter "likeN -from 1 -to 256" in line 951 to something like "likeN -from 1 -to 512". On UNIX systems (e.g. Linux, OS X, Android) this is all you need to do. On Windows you will need to use TclKit to create a .EXE file. The source code for BayesSQUEAC is available from here.

You could do the calculations by hand. These are shown on pages 84-86 of the FANTA's SQUEAC / SLEAC technical reference. The method used to calculate the 95% credible limits is "approximate" but this will not be an issue with your large sample size.

I hope this is of use.

Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


7 years ago
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