We are going to conduct SQUEAC assessment in one of the district where nutrition program is implemented from November, 2015 till date, but there was a gap of one month but we have provided one month ration as exit strategy for in program cases (July, 2016) and then program was again restarted in August, 2016.

Please advise/suggest for the selection of time frame for data collection (quantitative).

1- Can we use routine program data Jan-June, 2016 (6 months)
2- Can we use routine program data Jan-Nov, 2016 ( 10 months excluding July, 2016)
3- Can we use routine program data from July-November, 2016 (5 months).

We need your advice to decide on routine program data to be used in SQUEAC assessment.

Many Thanks

It sounds as though the 'gap' in the data reflects a gap in programme where admissions and exits were impacted (regardless of the provision of rations), so this should be included.

I would suggest you use the full 10 months and explain the dip. Also, do use an M3A3 line and the seasonal calendar alongside the chart.

I hope this helps!

Nikki Williamson


7 years ago

You said that the programme was running from November 2015, so this should be the date where you start collecting data; I see any reason why you shouldn’t present data from the beginning of the programme (this will help in understanding the trends in admissions and, eventually, the identification capacity vs calendars – seasonality/food security/migration/etc.). Regarding the one month gaps, I totally agree with Nikki: this month should be included in the analysis and you will use the information to explain data and trends. We always advice to use at least 12 months data (when a programme runs for at least one year) in order to compare with the various calendars/events/period. In addition, the gap period may has an impact (and definitely will) on the perception of the community of the service, the health seeking behaviors, etc.; this information will come out during the qualitative data collection and it is very important to analyze. Good luck for you SQUEAC!

Technical Expert


7 years ago

Hi Asfandyar,
You'd better use data from the beginning of your project (Nov 2015).
The main objective of the SQUEAC survey is to identify barriers and boosters of the program and to make an action plan to address the barriers and to improve the implementation of your project.
I can imagine that your one-month gap was probably due to a barrier (security issue, end of project, RUTF stock-out, etc.) which will be better to identify and to solve or to plan an action in the future to address it...
Good luck to your Squeac...

Claude Sabwa


7 years ago
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