I am just looking at cost per DALY averted for a CTC/CMAM program. I have a few questions: (1) Has anyone here done that? What advice do you have? What are the pratfalls? What simplifying assumptions did you make? (2) Does anyone have any references to reports (published or otherwise) with costs per DALY for CTC/CMAM or similar programs? (3) What would you consider to be cheap? My calculations look cheap ... I won't give results until I am clear I have the right method and until I have better data on the costs-base ... but I am not sure what I should be comparing them against. All pointers gratefully received. Mark
Hi Mark See the link below [url]http://heapol.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2011/03/04/heapol.czr017.full.pdf?keytype=ref&ijkey=yZKpjA3rzdTRVyz[/url] Regards Rogers
Rogers Wanyama


13 years ago
Thanks Rogers!
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


13 years ago
Just read with interest your post. My background is more the economic evaluation of pharmaceuticals but I am developing an interest in this area. I see the Wilford et al. reference has been posted, but include a couple more references: Bachmann (2009) [url]http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1478-7547-7-2.pdf[/url] Bachmann (2010) [url]http://www.expert-reviews.com/doi/abs/10.1586/erp.10.54?journalCode=erp[/url] In terms of comparator it really depends on the question you are trying to answer. Within the pharma setting in the UK the comparator is the “current standard of care” which may be “best supportive care”. When do you envisage publishing?
Robin Thompson


13 years ago
Thanks Robin.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


13 years ago
[url=http://www.brixtonhealth.com/puett.CE.CMAM.pdf]Here[/url] is a report (PRJ article) of our work on cost-effectiveness of CHW-delivered CMAM in Bangladesh. Thanks you all for your help with this.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


11 years ago

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