Action Against Hunger, in partnership with ALIMA, are compiling a lessons learned document detailing the use of this approach worldwide, building on the existing evidence and guidance.

Multiple implementers have now adopted this approach in different contexts and we would like to find out from these experiences to date: how has it been implemented, what works and what are the challenges, which will be supported by case studies where possible. This will then be used to guide others on how to implement the approach and overcome any associated challenges. If you can contribute to this or know anyone that can, please contact Eleanor Rogers at by November 15th 2016. Thank you.

Please see the following resources for information:
- Ale et al, 2016, Mothers screening for malnutrition by mid-upper arm circumference is non-inferior to community health workers: results from a large-scale pragmatic trial in rural Niger, Archives of Public Health (2016) 74:38.
- ALIMA, Mother-MUAC - Teaching Mothers to Screen for Malnutrition, Guidelines for training of trainers -

Eleanor Rogers


7 years ago


In Mozambique we have adopted the IMAM approach, and it is called the Nutrition Rehabilitation Program (NRP). The Program has 3 components, namely:
1. NRP I - this provides guidance for screening, diagnosing and treating patients under 15 years of age (with or without HIV/AIDS and TB)

2. NRP II - this provides guidance for screening, diagnosing and treating patients older15 years of age (with or without HIV/AIDS and TB), including pregnant and lactating women

3. Community based NRP - to mobilize community and raise awareness. Is targeted for community leaders, traditional healers, community health workers and preventive medicine technicias

The 2nd component, is currently being rolled-out at national level, but it was piloted last year.

In Mozambique the MUAC tape is being used either by community health workers (screening) or at the facility level (confirm diagnostics).

The NRP in Mozambique was a joint effort between technical assistance, clinical partners (including PEPFAR partners), community partners and different categories of doctors. From my experience, the utilization of MUAC tape is effective, is people are aware of the need/importance of using it for county wide benefits (including effective forecasting of nutritional commodities), the equipment is available and the health workers have been trained on how to use, if registry books are available and also is consumables are available.

it is still a major challenge in Mozambique as well, so I don´t think I am in a position to provide precise information on what works or not, as we have different contexts across the country, different professionals and different levels of engagement to nutrition; just wanted to share a bit of my experience and also hear back from other countries.


Tamára Ramos


7 years ago

Many thanks for sharing your experience in Mozambique Tamara. At this time we are looking specifically at programmes which have trained Mothers (or other family members) to screen their own children for acute malnutrition using the MUAC tape and the test for oedema.

ALIMA's work in Niger established the proof of concept and was followed by a large scale study which showed that in the area where mothers were screening, there was earlier detection (higher MUAC at admission) and lower hospitalisation rates compared with an area where only CHWs were screening. Since ALIMA has published these results and some guidance on how to implement the approach, it has been used by multiple implementers across Africa. If you are interested in this approach, please do get in touch to discuss it (email address above) or I can put you in touch with ALIMA direct. Many thanks.

Eleanor Rogers


7 years ago

Just FYI ... ACF are testing three simple MUAC measuring devices in Kenya that are design to be used by mothers / carers in the program mode developed by ALIMA. Data collection is current underway. Interim analysis show good results for the tested devices. We can expect to publish results next year.

Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


7 years ago

MSF is implementing the MUAC approach by mothers on its pediatric and nutrition program in cameroon . This is not a research project but an implementation of the large-scale base on results that ALIMA in Niger.
The idea remains for us to understand how this approach works in another context: in Niger women are very familiar with the MUAC tape. We will share learning lessons at the end of project
For follow up don't hesitate to contact

Franck Alé


7 years ago

Franck Alé


7 years ago

Yes,i am using MUAC as measure for the mothers.I have a wide experience in the use of MUAC TAPE and other Anthropometric instruments.
Thank you for you email.
Regards kevin



7 years ago
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