Dear colleagues, it is a great pleasure to announce that the new eLearning module Improving Nutrition through Agriculture and Food Systems is on line and available in the FAO e-learning page at the link:

The module is designed to assist professionals from any fields related to food security, agriculture and food systems that are involved in designing and implementing nutrition-sensitive programmes, investments and policies.

The module uses a scenario-based and experiential learning approach to illustrate the linkages between agriculture, food systems and nutrition. It provides a series of examples of nutrition-sensitive policies and interventions and gives an overview of global and regional initiatives and commitments related to nutrition on which learners can build to integrate nutrition in their work.

It is a resource in support of the UN Decade of Action for Nutrition and the implementation of the ICN2 Framework of Action, which advocates for mainstreaming nutrition in food and agriculture policies and investments.

This module was developed by FAO’s Nutrition and Food Systems Division and Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development Division, in collaboration with the World Bank and European Union, and with technical inputs from many partners. I take this opportunity to thank all those of you who have contributed to the curriculum design, content review and provision of case studies.

I take the opportunity to highlight other e-learning modules related to nutrition-sensitive planning developed by FAO:
- Nutrition, Food Security and Livelihoods: Basic concepts: - short course on the basics of nutrition
- Agreeing on causes of malnutrition for joint action: - a key resource to improve the understanding of the multi-sectoral causes of malnutrition and support integrated nutrition planning.
- A new e-learning module, From nutrition situation analysis to nutrition-sensitive project design, monitoring and evaluation is being developed and expected to be released during 2017.

I hope you will enjoy the course! Your feedback on these modules will be very welcome, and please do not hesitate to share this resource in your networks!

Malnutrition is a multi-sectoral public health problem which also needs a multi-sectoral approach in tackling it. Many times, we deal with effects and not causes; I hope this course considers the root causes of malnutrition and how to deal with it in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders.
I would really love to be trained in this course.



7 years ago

It is very interesting and it came its time, specially while there is devastating drought in East Africa especially Somalia.
I will personally benefit from this course please



7 years ago

I would really love to enrol for this one as well. When is the course starting and what are the registration guides?

Mwamba Mutale


7 years ago

Dear Rebecca,

Thanks a lot for your interest. This self-paced course is designed to support policy makers, programme managers and investment planners working in the food and agriculture sector, therefore its main focus is the role of agriculture and the food systems to tackle malnutrition. That said, the module is based on the UNICEF conceptual framework and accordingly, it strongly highlights the multisectoral nature of the nutrition challenge, and explores how challenges in agriculture and the food systems impact factors such as water and environmental safety, caring practices and women empowerment, and how this feedbacks on nutrition. You will also find an entire lesson on enabling environments for nutrition which, highlight, among other key elements, the importance of engaging in multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder dialogue on nutrition and presents some concrete examples.

We really hope you will enjoy the module and will share with us your feedback. The module is freely accessible on FAO e-learning page or from:


Domitille Kauffmann


7 years ago

Dr. Chana:

Hello ,
I wanted to know if a certificate is issued after completing the FAO e-learning module on nutrition.
Thank you
Dr Chana

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


7 years ago

Dear Chana,

For the moment, there is no certificate issued after completing the FAO e- learning modules on nutrition and food system

Best regards

Elvira Uccello


7 years ago
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