www.Safelyfed.org has been active using social media and other communications interventions to encourage the public to donate funds and not formula to migrants and refugees transiting Europe. We are now rolling out similar rapid response info campaign to help people address the devastation left by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti in appropriate ways. We would like to know which NGOs are on the ground in Haiti offering an IYCF-E response, so we can direct people to their fundraising appeals. Thank you.

Dear Safely Fed
It is is great that you are targeting the Haiti response. Your materials for Europe were great. I'd like to alert you to an appeal by the Canadian Red Cross, that includes calling for funds to procure infant formula.

Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


7 years ago

Must contact the director of nutrition at the Ministry of Public Health. It will guide you IYCF.

Marie Pétuelle


7 years ago

Dear Safelyfed,

I also wanted to congratulate you on your actions. Save the Children is starting to work with lactation counsellors . We are also part of the nutrition coordination meetings. Would it be possible to have a contact e-mail to be able to coordinate our response with you?

Alexandra Rutishauser-Perera


7 years ago


I sent your query to ACF F also.


Chantal Autotte Bouchard


7 years ago

Thank you, Marie. I am aware of the Canadian Red Cross appeal and have asked them to remove the infant formula and bottle references. Apparently it is a holdover from another campaign and they are not appealing for funds for, or sending formula to Haiti. I am really hoping they respond quickly and take down the references.

Alexandra, the director of nutrition at the Ministry of Public Health in Haiti?

Thank you, Chantal, (and Marie) for your kind words on the work SafelyFed is doing in Europe. I will pass them on to our team and I am sure they will be gratefully received. The team has worked very hard!

I can be reached at chase.jodinechase@gmail. I had the pleasure of working with Safe the Children Canada during the Fort McMurray Wildfire Evacuation. They were incredibly supportive of our efforts to address infant and young child feeding concerns on the ground in Alberta.

And thanks all for your response. Digging into the FEX archives I found references to specific IYCF-E work being done in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake by UNICEF, Safe the Children, ACF-I, and Concern International and have encouraged donations to these groups in our first meme, which can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/safelyfed/photos/a.208692892810709.1073741828.150020552011277/347122045634459/?type=3&theater

We would like to add links to anyone else on the ground who is working to ensure that infants and young children are fed safely in the wake of Hurricane Matthew, in accordance with the Ops Guidance.

Jodine Chase

Jodine Chase


7 years ago

I've just heard from our DART coordinator in Haiti that USAID/OFDA has requested that IMC field an IYCF-E expert as part of our USAID Rapid response mechanism. The person will be in Haiti during the weekend.

Judy Canahuati


7 years ago
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