This is a question regarding infants and children management of dehydration in SAM. I am trying to figure out how to treat a child with SAM and diarrhea who is admitted to the hospital. The hospital has no CMV or ReSoMal. Kindly advise on how to prepare Resomal. WHO guideline only indicated additional of potassium but no details on how much to add.

Need honorable urgent response.
Good day

Dear Agnes,
Can I just check with you, is the case in question regarding an infant under six months of age?

Many thanks

Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


7 years ago

As per the "Training Guidelines on Facility based management of Severe Acute Malnutrition, Ministry of Health and Family welfare guidelines of India (2012):
For ORS, without CMV
Water 1700 ml, WHO-ORS new formulation - 1 packet for 1000 ml water , 40g Sugar and 40 ml of Stock KCl ( 100g KCL in 1 litre of water).

Hope this helps, I am not sure if there is an update !!

Neha Arora


7 years ago

Sorry above recipe is for preparing Resomal, if CMV or Electrolyte/Mineral Solution is not available.

Neha Arora


7 years ago

Dear all,

Agnes has replied that the child is over 6 months of age. I have therefore shifted the question to the Prevention and management of severe acute malnutrition forum area.

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


7 years ago

If you would like additional documentation you can find the alternative ReSoMal recipes in the 2013 2nd Edition of the Pocket Book of Hospital Care for Children by WHO. They are found on pages 203-206 of the original document complete with exact amounts and treatment protocols. You can download the book online at this link you will need to copy into your browser:

Wendy Dyment


7 years ago

There is a good discussion on ENN on this same subject check July 12 2014 "What to do when ReSoMal and CMV not available?".
Have you approached UNICEF offices in the your country.

Best wishes.

Elham Monsesf


7 years ago

The link to the previous discussion is here:

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


7 years ago
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