I heard about the second generation TSFP. What does it means?

In which country are they talking about 2nd Generation TSFP. That might help in answering the question. If it is Ethiopia where you heard about it I will be happy to provide you with more info. Get in touch on mangulenje@gmail.com



8 years ago

Targeted supplementary feeding programs (TSFP)
This is the name that often gives nutritional supplementation programs for children under 5, pregnant / lactating women suffering from moderate acute malnutrition / MAM (+ people living with HIV / AIDS who are early ARV treatment, + TB patients under treatment and requiring nutritional supplementation) in order to reduce morbidity and mortality due to malnutrition.
These TSFP may also refer cases to Sat.
In the Francophone countries are called TSFP CENTRES / SERVICES SUPPLEMENTARY NUTRITION and are generally in a health center

Jean Claude


8 years ago

From Estar:

Dear Isack,
I would also be interested in hearing about the second generation of TSFP although I don't know which country is having that discussion.


Please do share the Ethiopia experience with the forum as it may also be of interest to others. Many thanks, Tamsin

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


8 years ago

Targeted supplementary feeding progam is mainy a progam which is run by the Enhanced outreach strategy wherby mainly WFP and UNICEF are responsible. TSFP is a supplementary feeding program targeting under five children and pregnant and lactating women who have been diagnosed to have moderate acute malnutrition (MAM).
In Ethiopia previously both the food distribution and the monitoring was done quarterly (i.e every three months). But starting from 2012, a new approach i.e second generation TSFP is on practice whereby each beneficiary gets monthly food rations and Field monitors will visit the food distribution centers monthly which is more convenient to follow the implementation and the outcome of the program.



7 years ago
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