
I have been doing my research on 'severe acute malnutrition: the effect of caregivers' knowledge on default rates at Dadaab Refugee Camp"
To assess caregivers knowledge on nutrition and medical objectives
To determine the LOS
To assess the default rates
To examine caregiver's perceptions on the quality of care of CMAM services

Following advent of CMAM model from TFCs there has been a lot of gains, however, some studies still reports poor performance indicators such as high default rates, relatively long recovery period and poor average weight gain rate. A study done by Van der Velden. E and van der Kam. S (2008) indicated that poor communication to caregivers due to lack of patient centered approach is one of the likely causes of defaulting. I quote "There is a need for a more patient-centred approach to ensure caretakers are informed of the aim of the treatment, exit criteria, expected duration and number of visits, and are motivated to continue follow-up visit". It is from the backdrop of this insight which motivated me to conceptualized my research study.
My study was a cohort and target population was under-fives and their caregivers from refugee population.

I am having trouble to find studies on default rates and patient centered care/ quality of care or studies on caregivers knowledge in refugee populations so that I can be able to move on with my discussion section where I am stuck. Any link to access these such studies will be of great help.

Thank you.

Here are a couple of references which may be of interest:
Doocy et al. Conflict and Health 2011, 5:23

Food and Nutrition Bulletin, vol. 33, no. 2 © 2012 p 148

Colleen Emary


8 years ago
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