I am looking at the cost of an IYCF Program and want to do some comparisons. I
was wondering if you can refer me to a few references that look at the cost of providing IYCF services per beneficiary? I need something that can help in analysing the cost per beneficiary. Is it high, is it low, can it be decreased, how etc.
If there aren't any, what other services can be comparable?
Thanks in advance!

Dear Linda,


this is a very important programmatic question. We did some work in the past, going to this direction. IBFAN Asia has led the initiative. The results are not to be taken to the "last digit" but are meant to encourage countries and/or organizations to do costing exercises that are relevant to the context and the situation.

Please find the link to the publication "The need to invest in Babies"...where you can find references to several other papers that have tried to cost IYCF related interventions.


AT the same time IBFAN Asia developed a simple and user friendly tool (World Breastfeeding Costing Initiative, tool, that can help facilitate an IYCF costing exercise). Please you may want to ask them for farther information and access to a free copy of the same.


Alessandro Iellamo


8 years ago
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