I recently joined academia as a lecturer. I kindly seek any ideas or assistance for the nutrition content for public health students at diploma, bachelors and masters levels. N.B: They only have nutrition in only one semester.

Thank you

I have experience in teaching nutrition for international master level students, also with focus on public health and development context. Would be happy to help! You can contact me if you have questions on v.polozkova@outlook.com



8 years ago

Dear Juliana
I am sharing some ideas that are specific to nutrition in emergencies, but may be helpful.

See the HTP resources (these materials are focused on nutrition in emergencies NIE)) tat form a basis for course content development.

Also, I have taught sessions on MSc modules or on professional courses on nutrition in emergencies where I have asked students to complete some or all of the online 'basic concepts on nutrition in emergencies' UNICEF e-learning. This can be very helpful to get everyone to a minimum level of understanding before face to face sessions.

You could also contact the group of institutions involved in NIE training, http://www.nietraining.net/

Finally, Field Exchange and Nutrition Exchange are a good source of case study material for interactive work. Both have search facilities so you can locate by topic/country/etc. Visit www.ennonline.net/fex or www.ennonline.net/nex

Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


8 years ago
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