Valid International has recently embarked on an interesting project where in collaboration with our partner we principally aim to provide recommendations for contextualized treatment protocols and monitoring mechanism for acute malnutrition in older children, adolescents and adults living in hard to reach and besieged areas of Syria.
In order to achieve our goal, Valid aims at acquiring raw data from either recent surveys, programme data or MUAC screening of these age-groups in Syria and similar settings outside of Syria (e.g. Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Irak, Yemen, Somalia and even Ethiopia).

As most will be well aware, acquiring information, particularly raw data of older children, adolescent and adult MUAC, (in hard to reach and besieged areas of Syria) is extremely difficult. We are therefore approaching the EN-Net community and kindly request anyone in a position to share relevant data which includes, but is not limited to, MUAC of people over 5 years old irrelevant of whether they are IDPs, refugees or stable population, to contact us through

Valid is fully aware of the sensitivities regarding data protection and assure that any data provided will be considered strictly confidential and shall not be used outside of the immediate scope of this project. We do not request identifying information (other than age and geographical location) and assure that any raw data provided will not be shared with third parties. Moreover, we are able to provide guidance on encryption methods to ensure safe and discrete transfer of data if needed.

Kind Regards

Sam De Greve

I would have loved to hear more about this humanitarian Assistance and more about sharing essential information or using it wisely for appropriate nutrition intervention in specified areas. To my regret the only data I have is one for my research project age group 0-23 months Nakuru-Kenya. best of luck


abdulra Sheed


8 years ago
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