Dear en-net,
As part of a WHO/UNICEF/ENN collaboration to support implementation of guidance on HIV and infant feeding in the context of emergencies, we wish to collate policies and guidance that programmers are using on this topic.

Have you developed agency-specific guidance on this topic or integrated sections in existing guidance?
Have you used other agency guidance or used national guidance to inform your programming?
Are you planning to update your guidance?

We would really appreciate if you could share this information (and relevant documents) with us, to inform this process.

Please send to Marie McGrath, marie[at]

Dear Marie

Have you seen WABA's 2012 HIV Kit at which discusses national and international guidance on HIV and infant feeding/breastfeeding. WABA tasked me with updating this document, which was completed in Jan 2015, but has yet to be published.

We also hear that WHO are about to issue new HIV and breastfeeding guidance providing support for breastfeeding by HIV+ mothers who are receiving full ART for up to two years or beyond.

I've been in recent correspondence with Karleen Gribble giving more info. Please let me know if I can help in any other way with background documents etc.

Warm regards
Pamela Morrison IBCLC

Pamela Morrison


8 years ago
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