Dear All,

Would you help me to find out the answer to the below two question?

Is there any causal relationship between vitamin A deficiency and the greater risk of stunting?

Can treatment of vitamin A deficiency have a positive impact on stunting?

Dear Sameul, here is an interesting article who could help understand the relationship between vitamin A deficiency and stunting :




8 years ago


I presented a literature review on the association of high impact nutrition interventions with stunting yesterday so can answer easily. We reviewed evidence from 2013 onwards.

The studies we found showed Vitamin A supplementation has a Weak association with stunting (We categorised evidence as strong/medium/weak or no effect) and that there is an absence of evidence relating to stunting.

Strong evidence of a reduction on infant mortality.

New research has observed increases in head circumference and weight are negated if vitamin A is supplemented at the same time as vaccination with DPT/BCG for example during CHW.


Selected key references are
Abedi, A. J. et al (2015). Intake of vitamin A & its association with nutrition status of pre-school children. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2(4), 489-493.
Biering-Sørensen, S. et al (2013). The effect of neonatal vitamin A supplementation on growth in the first year of life among low-birth-weight infants in Guinea-Bissau: two by two factorial randomised controlled trial. BMC pediatrics, 13(1), 1.
Kupka et al (2016). Accessed on 13th May. 2016

I hope this helps,


Kate Godden


8 years ago

Sameul thank you for the question and P. Abel Nanema and Kate Godden for sharing artiicle

Haisset Gnomon Fanga


8 years ago

Hi Kate,

Can you please send me your email? I am interested in learning more about the literature review on the association of high impact nutrition interventions with stunting. Thanks!

Noreen M Mucha


8 years ago

Hi Noreen,

Kate's literature review is still being finalised so she has simply shared the main findings. Once the paper is available she aims to share it more widely.

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


8 years ago

Could you please share the presentation in the meantime?

Noreen M Mucha


8 years ago

Thanks to P. Abel NANEMA and Kate Godden. The referring articles is useful.

Md. Sameul Nawaz


8 years ago
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