Hi. I am currently working on my dissertation in the effects of sub optimal complementary feeding practices on anaemia of children 6 - 24 months old.The following have been challenging for me and would appreciate some assistance;
1. A systematic random sampling technique will be used to identify the children. Anaemia is quiet rampant in this area and its likely that I would be studying every child I come across. I am therefore at cross roads as to whether this could affect the outcome of the study or not as i would also like to avoid any bias in the study.
2. Is there a less invasive but effective and reliable way to assess HB status of children. Methods review so far include finger pricking, palor etc. These methods lie on both sides of the extreme form me. (too invasive to less reliability). I therefore seek advise as to other methods that are less invasive and reliable at the same time. Thanks


I am afraid I don't really understand your first question. However, to get an unbiased sample you would need to take a representative sample, selected at random, with each person having an equal probability of selection. To use systematic random sampling you would need to either sample dwellings that are laid out in a predictable pattern (and you know in advance how many there are); or you would need a reliable list of dwellings or people and you could then sample from the list. Do be cautious about using pre-existing lists though, as they tend to be unreliable in many settings. You may therefore need to construct your own.

To get a reasonably reliable measure of anaemia a drop of blood is required. This can be tested using a point of care analyser, e.g. HemoCue 301.

I hope those thoughts help a little and good luck with your study.

Andy Seal
Technical Expert


8 years ago
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