Does anyone reply what standardized and packed key messages should be given as soon as any disaster happening means flood, conflict, land slides, --etc for live saving purpose??

Dear Colleagues iam aUgandan Female In the dilema of commpleting my
course of MSC Human Nutrition from Uganda Christian Uniserty that ends
in sepetmbe 2018
kindly who evr has the passion and abillity to help me build my
carrier i willl be grateful one may contact me using the email of or shakirojust@yahoo .com
i have abachelors in Human Nutrition and dieteics from Kyambogo
University with adiploma in clinical meicine and community health
i havw cuurently enrolled fpr masters of science in HUman Nutrition
form Uganda Christian University the semester costs 3million Ugandan
Shillings equivalent to 1500 usdollars
equivalent to 750 pounds.
the the course has 6 semesters which requires 900usdollars for
the twoyears .
iam finishing the first semester however crrently iam facing the
financial constraints due to the recent accident that befelll
home on my parents
iam kindly inquiring if you have any education financial assistance
to wards MSc in Nutrition field so that i may be able to coplete my
course of MSC Uganda Christain University da . The course ends in
septermber 2018. i will be grateful to attain my passionate dream and
serve at higher levels to improve the nutrion of the community
especailly the most disadvantage.
i will be so grateful to hear from you dear fromm you regarding my
carrier growth being in the developing country like Uganda .
iam so graateful for the feed back because it has given me the inertia
to push on amidista the scarcity of the financila resources . i will
be grateful to hea from you
God Bless you mightly for responding to this cause
i remain yours faithf



8 years ago


Regarding IYCF, you can find some sample key messages from the GNC here:

Save the Children's Tookit also contains standard messages in the Communications & Coordination folders

Hope that helps



8 years ago
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