Dear Team,
Please need some information or link about impact of FCS (Food Consumption Score) of HH on children (U-5) nutrition status.


Dear anonymous. If you send me an email with more precisions then I will be able to respond to you more effectively regarding this question.

Kate Ogden


8 years ago

Hi there

Food consumption score is a composite indicator of food seceurity at household level. Its calculated based on 7 days frequency and food given a score based on their nutrition importance.

Find more on the following links;

Stanley Macharia


8 years ago

Bonjour cher ami,
Le FCS ou score de consommation alimentaire (SCA) est un indicateur composite (standardisé du PAM) calculé pour refléter la diversité alimentaire, la fréquence de consommation ainsi que l’apport nutritionnel relatif des produits et groupes alimentaires consommés par un ménage. Il est basé sur dix (10) groupes d’aliments avec un coefficient de pondération affecté à chaque groupe. Pour le calculer, on procède à multiplier le poids de l'aliment par sa fréquence de consommation dans la semaine (7 jours), puis en l'additionnant aux autres groupes d'aliments. Après avoir obtenu des pondérations, on classe la valeur du score du ménage selon les classes de consommation: pauvre, limite ou acceptable.
La formule de calcul du SCA est la suivante:
Score = aCéréalesXcéréales+ aLégumineusesXlégumeuses +aLégumesXLégumes+aFruitXfrtuit+aAnimalXanimal+aSucreXsucre+aLaitXlait+aHuile+huile
a: étant le poids attribué au groupe d’aliments. Les aliments consommés par le ménage au cours de la semaine.
X: étant la fréquence ou le nombre de jours de consommation relatif à chaque groupe d’aliments au cours de 07 derniers jours et dont le nombre doit être = 7 (jours).

Cependant, en matière d'évaluation de l'impact sur statut nutritionnel des enfants de moins de 5 ans, le score de diversité alimentaire (SDAM) ou Individual Dietary Diversity Score (IDDS) qui porte sur 14 groupes d'aliments et le MUAC sont aussi important en ce sens qu'il permet d'apprécier la diversité alimentaire du ménage et son impact sur l'enfant.

Merci et mes excuses d'avoir été un peu long :D


Rodrigue G.


8 years ago

English version of the last post:

Hello dear friend,

The FCS or Food Consumption Score is a composite indicator (standardised by WFP)
calculated to reflect the dietary diversity, frequency of consumption, as well as the nutritional value of products and food groups consumed by a household. It is based on 10 groups of foods with a weight assigned to each group. To calculate it, you multiply the weight of the food group by the frequency of consumption over a week (7 days), then add it to the other food groups. After obtaining the weightings, you classify the value of the household score according to the consumption classifications: poor, borderline or acceptable .

The formula for calculating the FCS is as follows:
Score = aCerealsXcereals + aLegumesXlegumes +aFruitXfruit+aAnimalXanimal+aSugarXsugar+aMilkXmilk+aOilXoil
a: being the weight attributed to a food group. The foods consumed by the household in the course of a week.
X: being the frequency or the number of days of consumption relative to each food group during the last 7 days.

However, when it comes to evaluation of the impact on the nutritional status of children less than 5 years, the Individual Dietary Diversity Score (IDDS) which covers 14 food groups and MUAC are also important as they enable an understanding of the food diversity of the household and its impact on the child.

Thank you and apologies for the long reply : D.

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


8 years ago

This is very important and helpful.... I like this tool....because it is encouraging Nutrition community based approach which is lacking in many NGOs......we need to break that all begins with an under-nourished girl, that grows into an under-nourished woman and give birth to under-nourished child.....then the cycle begins again.... It's time we focus our approach.... In treating the acute malnutrition cases tight in the communities....and the companies providing food aid must not only focus on energy giving foods but look, on how nutritious is the food and what micro-nutrients are contained inside....... Let's break the cycle..... Let's fight malnutrition....

Sandra Phiri


8 years ago

Dear all
Please find an updated FCS guidance at the following link (dated November 2015). This includes 8 standard food groups plus 'condiments'. The latter is not used to calculate the FCS.

In addition WFP has developed the FCS-N which allows us to analyse nutrient adequacy of food groups consumed at household level. It requires adding 7 sub-groups to the standard FCS but yields very interesting results. I encourage you to view the guidance at: or


Kate Ogden


8 years ago

Thank you, dear ones!
your answers have been helpful in improving my understanding of FSC.
be blessed

Jacob Nagassi


6 years ago


3 years ago
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