Dear All,

Iodine is one of the important nutrient especially at the child hood critical life for mental development. Consumption of Iodized salt at household level is one of the key action point in the essential nutrition action (ENA).

I am wondering why it is not included in the IYCF indicators at least in the optional indicators.,
please your usual explanation.

given the health related issues with too much salt intake, are there concerns of iodized salt consumption, while we try to solve one problem and create another?

Yibo Wood


8 years ago

Dear anonymous 2951,
While I cannot answer to our colleague's (Anonymous 2758) initial answer (but agree with the comment), a recent document issued by WHO states that salt reduction efforts and using salt as a vehicle for preventing iodine deficiency are compatible, please see here.

Fabian Rohner


8 years ago

Thank you so much for the WHO guidance. very helpful.

Yibo Wood


8 years ago

Thank you, for the suggestion and sharing the document.

I was thinking if it is important to assess the Iodine consumption at household level( Probably iodized Salt) together with the IYCF indicators.



8 years ago
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