A final note

After seven years I am standing down from my post as technical moderator of this forum.

I have enjoyed my time with you and wish you the best in all your future endeavours.

Sorry not to be of more help.


Dear Mark, we benefited a lot during that period and this was more than enough. Thanks again and wish you the best for your future assignment. Eso

Mena Fundi Eso Adalbert


8 years ago

Dear Mark,

This is a sad news for this forum.
I especially did a MSc at the LSHTM this year to be able to understand better your technical statistical answers :-) so I was looking forward to more of them.
I am sure we will still have access to your great inputs through other channels but thanks for all the information you have provided during those 7 years.

Alexandra Rutishauser-Perera


8 years ago

Dear Mark,
So sorry to hear you are standing down. Our field staff have used this forum and greatly appreciated your technical insight and feedback through the years. You have always gone out of your way to provide detailed answers to guide those less knowledgeable with the goal of best serving beneficiaries. Thanks for the years of service and know that you will be sorely missed. All the best.

Wendy Dyment


8 years ago

Dear Mark,
Really it is shocking news to hear about your departure. You have been very instrumental and energetic in every aspect of technical support. I have been enjoying your detailed explanations. I hope you will be still around to give your valuable technical support.



8 years ago

 Dear members of the forum,

I would like to bring the following question to your attention so that we can share our experiences together. These are some of the questions one could ask himself/herself after implementing the CMAM programme in the most difficult part of Upper Nile, Unity and Jonglei state where supplies accessibility is limited due to lack of roads in South Sudan.

In most cases, in South Sudan the Targeted supplementary feeding programmes (TSFP) or outpatient feeding programmes (OTP) sometimes went out of stock for a period of one month and beyond. With this lack of supplies, many children 6-59 months who were admitted at the OTP or TSFP facility and waiting for supplies each week to be supplied. Then, after one month, supplies have been provided to the facility. As an officer, according to the CMAM guidelines you will be forced to discharge all these children before readmitting them to the programme as new.  According the CMAM guidelines as mentioned above, the following discharges: Defaulters refer to the Child that was absent for 2 consecutive visits from the programmes and non-Respondent refers to the Child that did not meet discharge criteria (But the child was receiving the supplies) after 3 months in OTP

1. When you discharged those children 6-59 months after one month without receiving the supplies before readmission as new. Do you discharge those children as defaulters or non-respondent?  If any of two, give reasons.

2.If you discharged those children as defaulters or non-respondents. Won’t they bring down the performance of the programme. I mean the Sphere standard will be affected.

3. If your programme is using a new terminology. Kindly share with us your experience on this. What do you call the discharged children?

Elham Monsesf


8 years ago

Hi Mark,
This is really sad news and definitely a huge loss for this forum.
Very best wishes to you.

Severine Frison


8 years ago

Dear Mark,

This is a sad news. I'm just starting to learn from you. How come you are leaving? Hope you would still consider extending your stay as technical moderator or maybe ENN can reconsider this. I cannot imagine ENN without you. You may not have noticed but you have been instrumental in this forum. You have been an inspiration to us-public health practitioners (and it's not that often that we encounter people like you). You have been diligent in answering queries from the basic to moderate to difficult questions. And I really appreciate all that...Thank you! (But please reconsider!)


Frederich Christian Tan


8 years ago

Dear Mark,

Quick note to add to the chorus saying that your invaluable input and insightful responses over the years have been much appreciated and will be much missed in future. Even if not regular like now, I hope you'll still be writing in from time to time.

Warm regards & best wishes for future work,


Dr Marko Kerac
Technical Expert


8 years ago


like many others I am sorry to hear that and - again like many others - I would like to thank you for your contribution. I have learnt so much from reading your expert advice, so clearly presented, to the many questions posed.

with best wishes for your future


Dympna Leonard


8 years ago

Dear Dr Myatt,

Your posts were always instructive and easy to understand and extremely useful. Your voice will be missed. Hope we will still hear your wise voice even if less frequently. Wishing you good health and cheer and best wishes for the work ahead

Warm Regards

Charulatha Banerjee


8 years ago

Dear Mark,

Apart from your great research expertise and technical articles for decades, what you have done to this forum is invaluable.Your contribution to the humanitarian field and modern nutrition is just brilliant, worldwide.

I and all my colleagues here and around the world,will still remember you, because you have taught us a lot.Professors and scientists can't be forgotten!

I am sure our paths will cross again in this small world,

Wish you the best, wherever you are.

Kind regards,


Sameh Al-Awlaqi


8 years ago

Dear Mark,
You were the best supporter in this forum, honest friend whenever we need information you provide timely and always in touch, we will miss your fruitful and detailed discussion ......Good luck

Najma Ayub


8 years ago

Dear Mark,
Your drive to support rigour in the work of nutrition and much beyond is hugely appreciated. I hope you are moving into other exciting work and want to thank you for your dedication to this important support role you've been playing.
We wish you well in your next endeavours!



8 years ago

Thank you for sharing knowledge generously which will keep referring to. May God guide you in your future endeavors.



8 years ago

Dear Mark,

Thank you for the contributions you have made through these years. I hope you will have time as " normal user" to continue supporting the forum.



8 years ago

Dear Marck Mayatt:
Thank you for your contribution thus far,I hop you move for good reason, and look back to this forum again.Good Luck Mark

Kemal J. Tunne


8 years ago

Its been an honor, Mark, and I am really greatful for your timely and dedicated support which assisted me in many areas in the assessment field. I wish you the vey best in your endevours.

Martin Njoroge


8 years ago

Thanks for the support you have given to me. Im here a better person in term of analytical capcity

Stanley Macharia


8 years ago

Thank you for the support over the years, your responses were typed with compassion for beneficiaries and professionalism. i hope you keep contributing to this forum even if not as a moderator.

Magondu Richard


8 years ago

Hi Mark,
Thanks for your great advice especially in IMAM i liked the way you provided guidance. All the best in your new endevour

Rosemary Otiende


8 years ago

Dear Mark,

You have been an invaluable resource person in this forum, as long as i can remember, mainly due to your keen interest in sharing your vast knowledge and experience in Nutrition in Emergencies. We have learned much from your detailed technical inputs into the discussions here, which mostly brought them to life also. I hope we will see you from time to time in the future as well if not in every discussion.

Best of Luck!

Asfaw Addisu


8 years ago

Hello Mark

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your exceptional service to this forum and I learned so much from you. Your expert responses to the questions in this forum keeps me uplifted in my professional skills and competencies. The attention you pay to the details of each question is clear to see, because your responses not only my interests but my abilities. What you contributed to the development of this forum is really exceptional. I really appreciate that you’ve taken such an interest to all the questions posted on this forum and thank you for your time and resources.

Best wishes,



8 years ago


The forum will miss your open-access mind.

Thanks for sharing!


David Rizzi


8 years ago

The ENN team would like to extend huge thanks to Mark for all the tireless effort he has put into en-net over the years. It is clear from all the messages of thanks and appreciation we have received online and offline that he has helped and supported many people.

Mark has probably been the most prolific contributor to en-net since its inception and we hope we will be able to maintain the reactiveness and vibrancy of the assessment forum area moving forwards with the continued support of all contributors out there.

Tamsin, Marie and Jeremy

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


8 years ago

Dear Friends,

I would like to thank you all for your kind comments.

I will very probably return to these forums but not as a "technical moderator" or "technical expert". I think it will be best for me to step back and be quiet in order to allow my successor to establish themselves without interference from me.

I wish you all the best with your work and in your non-work lives.

Best wishes,


Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


8 years ago

Thats bad news for me. I have just joined to EN-NET website. I have just noticed the response to my questions from Mark. I hope him future full of success and happiness.

Tammam Ali Mohammed Ahmed


8 years ago

Good jobs however have been performed by your moderation

Pantaleon Shoki


8 years ago
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