Can PD Hearth approach be used in a protracted relief intervention for IDPs in camp settlements to promote best Infant and Young Child Feeding and caring practices?
Based on the research done around PD Hearth model, it is advisable it is carried out in areas where there is good level of food security such that caretakers can easily prepare own menus. So find out food security status of the IDPs before you can decide to use the model.
Alex Mokori


14 years ago
Dear Sibida Sorry for the delay, but I am contacting a few people to see if I can get direct experiences and evidence of impact on PD Hearth in the setting you describe. Also, I see you had a look at the infant and young child feeding counselling package that have been developed under the CARE Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) Initiative, in partnership with University Research Co., LLC (URC), and Center for Human Services (CHS). It has been developed and widely used in the Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya - so would be relevant to the protracted refugee setting that you describe (question response I see you had difficulties accessing posters and fliers - I'm contacting one of the lead authors directly to help on this. If you need more information/resources around this, email me directly. Anything that materialises as a result, I'll post on en-net. Regards Marie
Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


14 years ago
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