Save the Children and UNICEF are seeking qualified professionals to undertake the revision of the Global Nutrition Cluster Handbook. The current Nutrition Cluster Handbook includes the overall definition and the concepts of the Humanitarian Reform process and the “Cluster Approach”; the roles and responsibilities of the Global Nutrition Cluster, Country Nutrition Cluster, the Cluster Lead Agency (CLA) and the Cluster partners, and Standard Operating Procedure of the Nutrition Cluster at Global and Country levels. However, there are a few changes in some of the definitions, concepts, core functions and tools which thus are required to be updated. Please see the below TOR for further information. Please apply with an Expression of Interest of how you plan to achieve the deliverables, including estimated budget, no later than 16th October 2015. It is possible to apply as a consortium of consultants, however a maximum of 2 consultants are required to complete the majority of the work. Please contact Nicki Connell, Emergency Nutrition Advisor, Save the Children US at for more information. Consultancy Terms of Reference for Review of the Nutrition Cluster Handbook Background The concept of global clusters was adopted by the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) in September 2005 in recognition of the capacity gaps which often undermine the effectiveness of humanitarian assistance delivered to communities affected by emergencies. Cluster leads were identified for eleven areas of activity with UNICEF, the designated global lead for the Nutrition sector. The aim of the global clusters is to “improve the predictability, timeliness and effectiveness of a comprehensive response to humanitarian crises” through strengthening partnerships between NGOs, international organizations, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and UN agencies. At country level it is anticipated that enhanced inter agency collaboration will improve the quality of response by encouraging better prioritization of available resources and greater clarity in defining the division of labor and the roles and responsibilities of humanitarian actors. The Nutrition Cluster, under the guidance of the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) has developed a three years strategic plan covering 2014-2016, and a costed workplan for initially two years 2014-2015, which has now been updated to include activities for 2016. This strategy has four pillars and one of the activities under strategic Pillar 2 is the updating of the Nutrition Cluster Handbook – A Practical Guide for Field Coordination. This review is important because following the issuing of the first version of the Nutrition Cluster handbook, as an outcome of the IASC Transformative Agenda, many accompanying tools and guidance have been developed including the updating of the core Nutrition Cluster function at country level. In order to make the Nutrition Cluster Handbook relevant, it needs to be updated to reflect the changes made in guidance and tools by the IASC. The current Nutrition Cluster Handbook includes the overall definition and the concepts of the Humanitarian Reform process and the “Cluster Approach”; the roles and responsibilities of the Global Nutrition Cluster, Country Nutrition Cluster, the Cluster Lead Agency (CLA) and the Cluster partners, and Standard Operating Procedure of the Nutrition Cluster at Global and Country levels. However, there are a few changes in some of the definitions and concepts, which thus are required to be updated. The current version of the Handbook also provided guidance on how the eight key functional areas which outline the roles and the responsibilities of Nutrition Cluster Coordinators (NCCs) should be interpreted. These include: identification of key partners; establishment, management and maintenance of appropriate Nutrition Cluster coordination mechanisms; development of Nutrition Cluster strategy and plans, standards, guidance and cross cutting issues (including development and dissemination of Cluster tools and resources); assessing, monitoring and reporting; information and knowledge management; advocacy and resource mobilization; training and capacity building of national/local authority and civil society (including national and international NGOs); definition of the concepts of the “Provider of Last Resort (POLR) and what these mean for the Cluster Coordinators and the CLA. Although a number of those core functions remain relevant within the Transformative Agenda (TA) context six core functions and the accountability to affected population (AAP) have now been outlined for Clusters at country level, thus strengthening the argument for the need to update this in the handbook. The Nutrition Cluster Handbook also includes core tools that have been identified by the Nutrition Cluster partners at both global and field levels, aiming to define minimum information required and provide templates that could be adapted to specific country contexts if similar tools do not exist, and these too will need to be updated. Finally, the Cluster Handbook also consolidates key additional resources/guidelines/joint statements that the Country Cluster Coordination Team may require at country level and this too will need to be updated. Specific Objective • To coordinate the review of and produce an updated version of a high quality Nutrition Cluster Handbook Specific Activities Phase 1 (an estimated 42 days) • In consultation with the Global Nutrition Cluster Coordination Team (GNC-CT) and cluster partners, identify relevant Cluster documentation (existing Cluster handbooks, the humanitarian reform documents, Transformative Agenda (TA), all guidance notes on the Cluster approach, training materials on Cluster approach, various Cluster evaluation reports etc.). • Conduct structured consultation with Nutrition Cluster Coordinators (NCCs) (identified in consultation with the GNC-CT) who have been engaged in coordination of nutrition in emergencies (NiE) responses (natural disasters and complex emergencies) in order to identify key gaps that need to be addressed by the Handbook, including, where possible, lessons learned from the field on the use of the Handbook version 1. • Conduct structured consultations with key Cluster Coordinators from other sectors (identified in consultation with the GNC-CT), in order to identify enabling factors/processes/information that contributed to cross-cluster coordination which can be incorporated into the revision of the Nutrition Cluster Handbook. • Conduct structured consultation with the Cluster partners on their experience of the use of the Nutrition Cluster Handbook, focusing on content, usefulness, user-friendliness and areas partners feel should be updated with specific reference to Cluster partner roles and responsibilities and the expectation of partners of the NCCs, Cluster Lead Agency (CLA) and the roles of government and the interface between the three. • Based on the review of all the chapters of the current Nutrition Cluster Handbook, the new IASC tools and other guidance, develop an outline of the chapters to be updated and share this with the GNC-CT and GNC Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) for comments and endorsement through an in person consultation. Phase 2 (an estimated 88 days) • Update each chapter of the Nutrition Cluster Handbook, including tools and annotated resource listing, and share this with the SAG members and Country Cluster Coordinators for comments. • In collaboration with the GNC-CT, facilitate review of the draft materials as part of the Global Nutrition Cluster Annual Meetings and develop a summary of comments gathered. • Consolidate all the inputs of the various Cluster partners, including documentation of responses to feedback and justification for changes, and share the first draft of the Handbook for comments. (In the event of conflicting feedback on substantive issues from the GNC partners or NCCs, the consultants will document and discuss with GNC-CT and SAG in order to define the cluster response). • Consolidate all the comments and submit a final draft of the Nutrition Cluster Handbook for formatting and publication. Expected Outputs Interim outputs: 1. Documentation of consultations with (1) NCCs (2) Other Cluster Coordinators (3) Nutrition Cluster partners. 2. A comprehensive outline of the chapters of the handbook that need to be updated substantially, which will be shared and endorsed by the Cluster partners and NCCs. 3. All relevant and agreed upon chapters are developed, reviewed for quality and consistency and comments are appropriately incorporated into the first draft. 4. Summary documentation of feedback/issues/responses received through the development process, which will be shared for discussion and endorsement by the SAG and GNC-CT. Final output: • A final print-ready version of the Nutrition Cluster Handbook version 2 is produced and submitted to the GNC-CT team. Education • Advanced university degree in Health, Nutrition, Social Sciences or other related field. A BSc/ MSc or equivalent is required. Work Experience • 5 years of progressive responsibility with NGOs or UN agencies in programme formulation, planning, management, and evaluation, some of which should be in emergency programme management and operations • A good understanding of humanitarian reform, TA and the Cluster Approach • Experience in coordination and good understanding and experience of nutrition in emergencies and the humanitarian reform process • Excellent communication skills, organizational skills and the ability to work in a team and with cluster partners • Excellent analytical, report writing and consolidation skills • Previous experience in cluster/sector coordination and development of guidance or handbook is an asset Competencies • Versatility, judgment, maturity and the ability to work independently as well as on a team • Experience in successfully gathering and compiling scientifically sound information from diverse sources • Current knowledge of emergency nutrition guidelines, policies, IASC guidelines, as well as procedures in international humanitarian work • Proven ability to conceptualize, innovate, plan and execute ideas • Leadership and organizational abilities • Good analytical, negotiating, communication and advocacy skills • Computer and writing skills including internet navigation and various office applications • Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and good track record in working with various partners and within an international organization • Fluency in English General Conditions • Period of performance: October 2015 – April 2016 • Location: Flexible • Length of consultancy: 130 days within the 7 month time period
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