Description: The Health and Nutrition Programme Manager, who will be based in Goz Beida, will oversee the implementation, management and development of the Health and Nutrition component of Concern’s larger BRACED (Building Resilience and Adaption to Climate Extremes and Disasters) Programme in eastern Chad. S/he will enhance programming and managerial skills of key Concern staff on the programme team. S/he will build on and continue Concern’s partnership with the Ministry of Health (MoH). The Health and Nutrition Programme Manager will carry out assessments and lead on the implementation of emergency response programmes when necessary. Main Duties & Responsibilities: Programme Quality • Oversee the planning and delivery of the Health and Nutrition Component of the BRACED programme in consultation and collaboration with the Food Income and Markets (FIM) and WASH components and the local MoH partner. • Lead the continued roll out of Concern’s Health and Nutrition Outreach Strategy that focuses on: 1) building capacity for Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) at health centre level; 2) community-based activities including a behaviour change approach relating to key nutritional behaviours and the strengthening of community health worker networks and Care Groups; and 3) linking community structures with health centre outreach activities for the continued support to Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM). • Ensure that the Health and Nutrition programme is implemented in accordance with Ministry of Health strategies and polices and is based on WHO, UNICEF and internal Concern best practices. • Reinforce and maintain the monitoring and evaluating system and oversee the programme progress against agreed program objectives. Key aspects of programme monitoring will include SQUEAC and SMART surveys and the Health and the Nutrition Programme Manager will lead these. • Build on existing and seek new synergies with the FIM and WASH programme components in the integrated BRACED programme. • Co-lead cross-sectoral periodic programme reviews in order to assess programme progress, capture lessons learnt and adapt programme strategies as necessary in accordance with Concern’s results-based management principles. • Lead the delivery of the Health and Nutrition programme in accordance with Concern’s Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) commitments through: a) ensuring strong and meaningful community participation throughout the programme cycle; b) systematically sharing programmatic information with target communities (and other stakeholders); c) contributing to the rolling out and managing of a complaints response mechanism in accordance with Concern’s guidelines; and d) contributing to Concern’s HAP reporting requirements. • Further develop and manage Concern’s productive partnership with the Ministry of Health. • Lead and or participate in other programme quality and accountability initiatives as required. • Lead and participate in emergency assessments and develop plans for rapid and appropriate responses in consultation with line management. Donor Compliance • Ensure that donor proposals, budgets and reports are of high quality, up-to-date and delivered in a timely manner in accordance with Concern policies/procedures, donor requirements and for other interested parties in collaboration with programme team colleagues. • Be responsible for ensuring that donor strategy, donor guidelines, formats and processes are understood and being adhered to within Health and Nutrition programme implementation and procurement. Representation • Manage the working relationship with the MoH partner in the Sila Region. • Ensure effective networking and coordination with relevant stakeholders, such as local Government authorities, other NGOs, and UN operating in the Health and Nutrition sector at field level in coordination with the Area Coordinator. • Represent Concern to donors, clusters and other coordination fora and meetings at national level as required Human Resources • Identify project staff needs, ensuring that job descriptions are developed and well understood, properly qualified staff are recruited, inducted and trained as per the needs of the programme and the organisation • Manage the Health and Nutrition team with particular emphasis on capacity building of staff through mentoring, training, and ensuring that all staff have up-to-date descriptions and Performance and Development Review (PDR) process as per policy. • Ensure that all staff are provided with the necessary support and advice to carry out their duties particularly as they relate to IMCI, CMAM, other community based approaches, behaviour change approaches and emergency response. • Ensure that all staff in the Health and Nutrition team are aware of and comply with Concern’s policies and procedures. • Ensure that work within the team(s) is planned and organised in a way which will meet the organisation’s needs in the most cost effective manner possible; ensuring that team members are given appropriate workloads and are working efficiently. • Identify and take appropriate and timely action to fill resource gaps (create new roles or launch timely recruitment to replace a leaver). Communications/Reporting • Contribute to the production of reports within Concern, for donors and other interested parties as appropriate. • Ensure that ToR’s for external consultants/visits are prepared. Finance, Admin and Logistics • Monitor and manage programme expenditure and budgets, ensuring resources are optimally utilized and spending is in line with Concern financial procedures and Donor requirements. • Liaise with the Area Coordinator, Field Logistician, and other Programme Managers, and General System Manager through coordinated planning to ensure efficient use of support systems. Security • Ensure the Health and Nutrition team carry out their work in accordance with Concern’s security Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and the Security Management Plan (SMP). • Assist the Area Coordinator with security analysis through the sharing of important security information collected through field work. • Participate in the revision of SOPs and the SMP when necessary and other security related duties when necessary. Other Duties • Participate in country-level strategic planning initiatives and other duties as determined by line management. • Contribute to organisational accountability initiatives, including overseeing the roll out of commitments of Concern under the HAP (Humanitarian Accountability Partnership) • Adhere fully to the commitments and rules of Concern’s Programme Participant Protection Policy and Code of Conduct (P4 and CoC), including the respect of confidentiality. • Report to the appropriate manager all violations of the P4 or CoC • Undertake other related duties as may reasonably be assigned by the Country Director or the line manager PERSON SPECIFICATION ESSENTIAL Education, Qualifications & Experience Required: • 3rd level qualification in public health, nursing, midwifery or equivalent qualification • Fully functional in French and strong command of written and spoken English • At least 3 years’ experience of managing health and nutrition projects with a minimum of 1 year overseas experience preferably with an international NGO and in volatile / insecure environments • Experience in CMAM including community mobilisation and in IMCI or PHC • Experience in behaviour change and barrier analysis approach • Experience in donor reporting and proposal writing • Experience in monitoring and evaluation and project management tools • Experience in budgeting and financial monitoring processes • Strong staff management, capacity building and supervision skills • Experience in carrying out SQUEAC and SMART surveys. • Experience with the design and implementation of M&E plans • Familiarity with complex and insecure emergency context. • Experience of mainstreaming equality, gender, HIV&AIDS, protection; DESIRABLE Education, Qualifications & Experience Required: • Specific training in the prevention and treatment of malnutrition. • Training in epidemiology and/or survey and surveillance methodologies and experience with EpiInfo or other statistical software. • Work experience in Chad, the Sahel region or Sudan or in a Francophone country in Africa. • Experience working with health ministries, networking and donor relations. • Knowledge of Concern Policies and Programming Approaches. • Previous experience of Results Based Management approach. • Previous experience in implementing an integrated programme. All applications should be submitted through our website at [url][/url] by 02/09/2015. CV’s should be no more than 4 pages in length.
-Planification des activités de nutrition dans les plans d’actions annuels(PAA) de la direction régionale de la santé publique de Diffa région frontalière du Tchad -Compilation analyse, interprétation et Transmission des données Nutritionnelles (rapports mensuels, Scaling up…) ; -Coordination des activités de santé nutrition de la région ; - Mise en oeuvre et suivi des stratégies communautaires de nutrition (PCAC, GSAM, AEN/CCC, PFE…) ; -Suivi et évaluation des activités des districts sanitaires et centres de santé intégré dans le cadre de la nutrition ; - Renforcement des capacités des membres des équipes cadres des districts (ECD) ; des responsables des centres de santé intégré et les relais communautaires ; - Organisation et conduite des réunions cluster santé- nutrition avec la responsable du sous bureau d’OCHA -Mise en oeuvre et suivi des stratégies de prévention et de prise en charge de la malnutrition avec l’ONG HKI et Save the Children -Mise en oeuvre et suivi des opérations de blanket feeding et DGC dans les situations d’urgence avec l’appui du PAM et de l’Unicef -Promotion de l’alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant (ANJE) -Organisation de dépistage de masse (screening) et référence des cas -Prise en charge nutritionnelle et traitement médical des groupes vulnérables (enfants 6-59 mois, les cas spéciaux et les femmes enceintes et femmes allaitantes) malnutris. -Promotion des actions essentielles en nutrition(AEN) -Promotion des pratiques familiales essentielles (PFE) - Promotion pour la consommation des aliments locaux riches en micronutriment
Mahamadou Adamou


9 years ago
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