I have been working in a program implementing High impact Nutrition interventions but my major challenge has been on how assess the quality of services being offered in this facilities. i.e. do we have or is there a tool that can be used to assess and scale the quality of services in areas such as micro nutrient supplementation, management of acute malnutrition (SAM and MAM), infant and young child feeding among other services. How would i be able to measure the level of service being offered?
Dear Isaac, Last year, i was the team leader at UNICEF Burkina Faso to conduct this kind of study. The title was: *Burkina Faso’s integrated management of severe acute malnutrition scaling up plan: added value for accessibility and quality of services. *Rigth now, we are working to publish the study as a model. I could advice you to conduct a controlled study with two arms: an intervention health district compared to a control one. You have to build a conceptual framework for the setting out of the program you want to assess. This will allow you to get an idea of tools for the study. At th end of the assessment you have to be able to show the difference (added value) that could be related to the program. I hope it will be helpfull for you. Kind regards
Boukary SORGHO


9 years ago
Greetings, you can be able to do a quality self assessment of th different systems. Where you get quality-scores and radar charts which tell you the quality of the services. Feel free to contact for more on vadubewg@gmail.com
Wisdom G. Dube


9 years ago
Evaluating service delivery (Impact) - nutrition intervention in a country nutrition programme can be carried out along with the nutrition directorate in a country if any in the following ways: 1. SMRAT survey (SAM, and MAM level) and compare it with GAM rate. 2. SQUEAC survey 3. Coverage assessment Recently in Sierra Leone, we conducted health facility assessment to assess the impact of Ebola to service delivery and coverage focusing on nutrition, WASH and Health indicators. After the second round assessment, result shows in most part of the country, service delivery was high as compared to other parts. SAM treatment and patient flow was not affected by the epidemic with high RUTF consumption whilst service flow with other health services was low.
Moses Cowan


9 years ago
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