I am looking for IEC/BCC materials (Posters, flip charts, manuals) focusing on breast feeding, complementary feeding, maternal nutrtition and WATSAN that is designed for South Sudan. so, i wonder if someone send me those resources.
Hi Kiross. You are being too specific, try to lax the catchment area. I do not think the Sothern Sudan situation is different from other countries especilally her neighbours. I do not know how far away you are from Northern Uganda, I feel that would be a good place to start. Try the government hospitals or relief agencies working in Northern Uganda you could find what you are looking for. Good luck. Muniirah


14 years ago
Hi, Likewise, i suggest u get intouch with NGOs and the government facilities especially in Northern kenya for assistance. Several IEC materials are available which u can edit alittle bit to fit into ur environ.


14 years ago
Food for the Hungry has some great flipcharts/lessons on those topics. You would have to adjust fro the cultural differences but I would check with them.


14 years ago
Hi, my organisation is currently researching on effcetive of MIYCF IEC/BCC materials being used in Uganda in the past years. Phase I encompassed the documenation of majority of the IEC materials and media messages on MIYCF and , the scope of the message, target audience and developing agency. Phase II is currently underway to assess the dissemination channels, challenges and how these can be addressed. Initial findings are that no one IEC/BCC material or message addresses BF, CF, MN, etc singly and the messages vary depending on the developing agency! My view is yes you could adopt and modify IEC metarials from another country, however, if this is the first time SS is developing IEC materials then you should do it right the first time. Carry out a formative research in the target community to know exactly what needs to be addressed and a clue on how to address it and the possible change agents (actually we discovered that the target audiences were aware of majority of positive behaviours but they were not adopting them!!). That is my take on this. otherwise, Uganda currently has a new package of IYCF policy guidelines and accompanying materials (counselling cards, brochures, training mannuals etc) which may be useful.


14 years ago
Dear Kiross You could also look at the infant and young child feeding counselling package that have been developed under the CARE Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) Initiative, in partnership with University Research Co., LLC (URC), and Center for Human Services (CHS). It has been developed and widely used in the Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya. There is great visual content. It is available at: http://childhealthandnutrition.care2share.wikispaces.net/Resources and scroll down to the 'Counselling Methodology' section where there is link . Some information about the content below: The Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Trainer's Guide is part of a training package to train low literacy, community-level Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Counsellors to help mothers, fathers and other caregivers optimally feed their infants and young children. This package includes Counselling Cards, Trainers Guide and training aids. The Guide is intended to equip trainers with basic counselling skills, and technical knowledge of key practices and messages related to breastfeeding, infant and young child complementary feeding, and feeding of the sick child. The key practices are illustrated on an integrated set of 18 counselling cards, and described in a Message Booklet that accompanies the Trainer's Guide. The Infant and Young Child Counselling Trainer's Guide and training aids were developed for use in low resource settings, without dependence on the use of slides or other media projection, flip charts or writing materials. Regards, Marie
Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


14 years ago
Hi Kiross, Did you succeed in getting the IEC/BCC materials? I am also in need of such resources though not limited to South Sudan. I tried Marie's link but did not get all I needed especially for posters, or fliers. Can some one help please? Thanks.


14 years ago
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