is there any statically safe calculation way to get the # of new pregnant mother by month and # pregnant women on any one day in this population. What I currently using is the following way and I do want to make sure my calculation is statically safe or not. To get the # of pregnant women on any one day in this population (T2 - T3: 6 month gestation), I used the guideline from this link [url][/url] (provided by Mark Myatt). For the # of New Pregnant Mother (T2 - T3: 6 months gestation) in a month; use the below calculation. Total Population*Crude birth rate est./12 months But, I am not very confidence on second one. So, if there any other calculator for to estimate the monthly new pregnant mothers, apart from above calculator.
This: Total Population * Birthrate is the number of births per year. If you divided by 12 you get the number of births per month. That is, I think, not quite what you want as it will include women in T1 that carry to term. You might expect women in T2 and T3 to be: (2/3) * Total Population * Birthrate You could divide this by 12 to get what you want: (1/12) * (2/3) * Total Population * Birthrate Someone should check my thinking.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


9 years ago
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